Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia
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Engineering design and construction management company

Tecne SPA is the new engineering company of the Autostrade per l'Italia Group. Its specific mission is to carry out all the engineering design and construction management activities necessary for the implementation of the huge number of investments set out in Autostrade per l'Italia's Industrial Plan, which envisages 14.5 billion euros worth of investments and 7 billion euros worth of maintenance by 2038. Tecne will be in charge of coordinating all maintenance, upgrading and modernization interventions throughout the 3,000 km network, as well as the engineering activities involving infrastructures that are strategic for the country – such as the Genoa Bypass or the Passante di Bologna.

Thanks also to the collaboration with Movyon – the technology hub of the ASPI Group – Tecne will keep track of the state of the works on the freeway network in order to develop design, supervision and work coordination activities in collaboration with the Section Departments of Autostrade per l'Italia.

In order to do so, the new company aims at a deep integration between the Central Structures and Section Departments located on the national territory, providing two main offices (one in Rome and one in Milan) and three additional engineering hubs (Genoa, Florence, Turin, etc.).


The synergistic collaboration with Movyon

Tecne will work in close synergy with Movyon, the technology hub of the ASPI Group.

While Movyon focuses on all technological opportunities that can enhance and expand the travel experience, Tecne's priority is to maintain a safe, sustainable, durable physical infrastructure.

With its technological and digitization capabilities, Movyon is creating tools that will provide Tecne with Big Data that will be transformed into Big Knowledge. The combination of civil engineering and innovation-research, which is unique at Italian level, will enable the creation of digital, smart, increasingly safe infrastructures.

collaborazione tecne Movyon
base dati

The collaboration between the two companies will enable Movyon to access a large amount of already ‘structured' data, to be used as a starting point for research and development.

processo di digitalizzazione

At the same time, Tecne will be able to completely digitize engineering processes, using the technological innovation produced by Movyon and applying it uniformly on the freeway network.

Organization into Technical Authorities and Centers of Excellence

Tecne focuses on the realization and all aspects of the linear transport infrastructure through sustainable and innovative projects. The organization of the work outlined for the company is therefore focused on technical excellence and quality, in order to guarantee precise deadlines and costs for the implementation of projects.

Tecne Technical Authorities

Technical Authorities

Just like the most important European engineering companies, Tecne has already set up Technical Authorities, whose task is to oversee the quality and development of engineering disciplines through an in-depth study of the engineering themes that are at the heart of the Group's activities, plans for the assessment and development of the engineering skills of personnel, and open collaboration with universities and research centers aimed at updating, internationalizing and innovating the state of the art in infrastructure engineering in general and the Autostrade Group in particular.

Tecne Excellence Center

Excellence Center

The Technical Authorities will also support the Excellence Centers, which are internal 'engineering schools' focused on the study and use of international best practices in specific and critical construction and infrastructure maintenance fields, ensuring Tecne's proactive and primary role in the development of safe, innovative, sustainable design solutions.

The most important areas that will be covered by this engineering skills development activity are:

This organizational approach will facilitate the interaction and coordination between the Technical Authorities and the ASPI structures when it comes to relations with the Italian Ministry of Infrastructures, ensuring effective control over the assessment and quality of the relevant methods and implementations.

Through engineering, Tecne will ensure compliance of infrastructures with regulatory standards, and therefore their safety. The topic of "safety" is also involved within the context of a further responsibility of Tecne: the coordination of occupational safety in the execution phase.
Tecne will be part of Autostrade's renewal process in the HSE field and will be an important player in the "cultural revolution" that the Group has launched to raise awareness and train all staff in safe behaviors, with a view to "Zero Accidents".

TecNeX – the TECNE recruitment plan

TecNeX - il piano di assunzioni di TECNE

Tecne currently has a large staff: more than 500 people including engineers, designers, construction managers, technicians specialized in safety coordination.

As of January 2021, the company will carry out a significant recruitment plan called "TecNeX" (an acronym for Tecne NeXt Generation), which will increase the workforce to over 1,000 engineers, researchers and scientists by 2024.



TECNE - TecNeX -recruiting

The recruiting will be carried out in collaboration with the most authoritative Italian Universities, with which Tecne will maintain a strong and constant relationship based on technical and scientific collaboration and permanent training: all Autostrade per l'Italia Group infrastructure engineers will be trained in Tecne.

Once fully operational, the company will be the most important Italian infrastructural engineering center in terms of size, innovation and importance of the activities carried out.

Giovani ingegneri
young engineers
250 figure di coordinamento
project managers, planners, procurement e contract managers, site managers e supervisors
160 ingegneri in direzione lavori
engineers in construction management teams
150 ingegneri in coordinamento della sicurezza
engineers in safety coordination teams
120 specialisti di ponti e viadotti
bridge and viaduct specialists

60 professionisti del BIM
BIM (Building Information Modelling) professionals,
40 specialisti di ambiente e territorio
environment and land specialists
50 geotecnici e specialisti di gallerie
geotechnicians and tunnel specialists
45 progettisti di viabilità e autostrade
road and highway designers
60 specialisti di disegno e computi e stime
design, calculation and estimation specialists

Company Policies

Integrated policy

Tecne works to ensure its processes are implemented in compliance with the principles of ISO 9001 (including RT-21), 45001, 14001, 37001, 30415 and PdR 74, and is committed to periodically reviewing and updating its Integrated Policy to verify its consistency with its objectives and to always align it with the context in which Tecne operates and its strategic directions. The latter include risk-based thinking, customer orientation and commitment to environmental protection. It is also committed to fulfilling its compliance obligations, providing safe, healthy and inclusive working conditions, eliminating hazards and reducing risks, including at the infrastructure sites whose safety it coordinates. Furthermore, it ensure the participation of workers, a commitment to countering corrupt conduct by means of a “Zero Tolerance” policy, and designing infrastructures with a focus on sustainability and overcoming architectural barriers, in order to continuously improve and meet stakeholders' expectations.

Corporate Governance

Codice etico
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MOGC ex D.Lgs. 231/2001
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Linea Guida Anticorruzione
Scarica PDF
Whistleblowing Privacy Policy
Scarica PDF
Segnalazioni su presunte violazioni della normativa anticorruzione

Albo fornitori Tecne

TECNE ha istituito un processo di qualificazione e di valutazione dei propri fornitori, con lo scopo sia di ottimizzare il processo di approvvigionamento di servizi professionali, sia di facilitare il rispetto dei principi di libera concorrenza,  trasparenza e proporzionalità.

Lo strumento a supporto del suddetto processo è l’Albo Fornitori che raccoglie le informazioni relative ai fornitori qualificati, ovvero tutti e soli i fornitori di cui TECNE si può avvalere per l’approvvigionamento di servizi professionali.

La qualifica in Albo di un nuovo fornitore è vincolata all’esito positivo del processo di qualificazione, attivato a seguito della richiesta inoltrata dal fornitore stesso.

Dopo avere ottenuto le credenziali di accesso al Portale Fornitori, il fornitore potrà caricare la documentazione richiesta e necessaria al processo di qualificazione.

Lo status di qualificazione è subordinato all’aggiornamento della documentazione fornita e al grado di qualità delle prestazioni erogate, che saranno oggetto di valutazioni periodiche.

Per accedere al Portale Fornitori ed avviare il processo di qualificazione:


Albo Fornitori
Gian Paolo Melis

Gian Paolo Melis

Chief Executive Officer


Ennio Cascetta Presidente

Ennio Cascetta


Ennio Cascetta was born in Naples on 16 December 1953. Since 1986 he has been full professor of Transportation Systems Planning at the Federico II University of Naples and lecturer in Advanced Modelling of Transportation Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
He is also the author of academic texts adopted in numerous countries and of over 150 works published worldwide.
He has been Chairman of Anas Spa, Coordinator of the Technical Department for Strategic Direction, Infrastructure Development and High Surveillance of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Sole Director of RAM Spa, an in-house company of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and Chairman of Metropolitana di Napoli Spa. He was Councillor for Transport in the Campania Region from 2000 to 2010.
He was scientific coordinator for the drafting of the 2000 General Transport and Logistics Plan (PGTL) e director of the Second Finalized Transport Project of the CNR. He is chairman of the Cluster Trasporti Italia and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TECNE Autostrade per l'Italia S.p.A. Group.

Tecne Speri Bridge Designers nasce dalla fusione di Speri e Tecne - Gruppo Autostrade per l'Italia, e ha come obiettivo quello di rappresentare l’eccellenza nel campo dello sviluppo delle opere d’arte autostradali. Le nostre attività includono la valutazione della sicurezza, la definizione degli interventi di ripristino, l'adeguamento e l'ammodernamento di ponti e viadotti, e la pianificazione di tali interventi con progetti sostenibili e all’avanguardia.

Per raggiungere questi risultati, insieme alle capacità professionali dei nostri collaboratori, giocano un ruolo fondamentale le qualità personali del singolo unite alla voglia di crescere insieme alla società. Rispetto, lealtà e intraprendenza sono i principi fondamentali nella selezione dei nostri collaboratori, che desiderano migliorare all’interno del nostro team di professionisti.

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