Minimising environmental impact and zeroing the carbon footprint through emission reduction initiatives, energy efficiency and renewable energy production

Net zero
The Group is committed to reducing direct and indirect CO2 emissions in line with the 'Net Zero' target to limit global warming to 1.5° by 2050 compared to pre-industrial levels, according to the SBTI (Science Based Target initiative) standard.
Decarbonisation Initiatives
- Development of self-generated energy from photovoltaic plants with Elgea, with the aim of achieving energy self-sufficiency
- Purchasing 100% energy from renewable sources for all Group companies
- We have achieved the ISO 50001 certification of the energy management system.
- Tunnels with LED installations and dynamic lighting control.
- Replacement of the company car fleet with cars with a lower environmental impact and the construction of dedicated charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles.
- Replacing oil boilers with new systems powered by heat pumps or energy carriers with a low environmental impact, and we are studying fuel switch operations of the systems
Sustainable infrastructure
Autostrade per l'Italia aims to develop safe and resilient infrastructure and protect the ecosystem balance in the design, construction and maintenance of the network, minimising environmental impact.
The Group has therefore developed a sustainable infrastructure model that integrates ESG elements into its entire life cycle, promoting the adoption of innovative solutions in all areas and the involvement of the local communities concerned.

The implementation of the sustainable infrastructure model has enabled the Passante di Bologna project to be the first motorway infrastructure in Europe to obtain Envision certification with the highest level of rating, Platinum.

The Gronda di Genova is the second motorway infrastructure project to be awarded the Envision certification, achieving the Gold rating (the second highest level of certification), which demonstrates the commitment and results of careful planning shared with the community and in line with international sustainability guidelines.

The third-lane widening along the A13 Motorway, in the Bologna Arcoveggio- Ferrara Sud section, is the third project to be awarded the Envision certification, with a Silver rating. After the Passante di Bologna and the Gronda di Genova, this is another project that meets the requirements of the protocol's five sustainability macro-areas (Quality of life, Leadership, Resource Allocation, Nature, Climate and Resilience).