Tunnel Safety Plan

The Tunnel Safety Plan is a wide-ranging project covering some 200 km of tunnels in the territory, with a total investment of 495 million euro.

The aim is to improve tunnels safety by significantly increasing the plant facilities, with a focus on the management of serious events such as fires.

The Plan will ensure compliance with the combined provisions of Legislative Decree no. 264/06 and Presidential Decree no. 151/11, whose updated regulations provide that work will be completed by 31 December 2025. To date, work progress is about 80% on the 113 tunnels longer than 500 metres that are part of the scope and are mainly located in Liguria, Piedmont, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Marche and Abruzzo.

The interventions cover the following categories

Icona illuminazione
Icona ventilazione
ventilation and safety
Icona traffico
traffic Control
Icona antincendio
fire-fighting equipment
Icona radio
radio coverage for fire brigades
Icona emergenza
emergency Stations
Icona liquidi pericolosi
drainage of hazardous liquids