Gronda di Genova
A unique challenge
Two Hydroschield TBMs with a diameter of approximately 15 metres will be used. These TBMs are unique in the world, both in diameter and excavation pressure
Embanking works totalling over 3850 meters will be conducted using approximately 170 caissons to enhance safety at Genoa airport.
Slurry pipeline (9 km, 350 mc/h) for environmentally sustainable transport with internationally and globally advanced systems and technologies of 12 million tonnes
Approval process
The Gronda di Genova project was thoroughly discussed with the local authorities and the citizens of Genoa. This included the adoption of the Public Debate model in 2009, during which the best design solution was chosen out of 5 different alternatives presented. After finalising the route and optimising the project based on the feedback from the Public Debate, the basic design and related approval process were initiated.

The steps of the approval process
Autostrade per l'Italia tenders can be found in the dedicated section of the website
TENDERSComparison with major national and international projects
Tunnel length
Excavation sections
Duration of work
Traditional trench section
Mechanised excavation section
Tunnel length
Excavation sections
Duration of work
starting from last authorisation
Tunnel length
Excavation sections
Duration of work
Tunnel length
Excavation sections
Duration of work
Tunnel length
Excavation sections
Duration of work