Corporate Philanthropy
Submit a Solidarity and Social Promotion Project
Requirements and modalities for accessing funding
The philanthropic contributions disbursed annually are defined jointly with the Solidarity and Social Promotion Projects Committee and selected based on guidelines consistent with the Charter of Commitments.
The company's donations align with its commitment to actively engage with the communities in which it operates. This commitment extends beyond creating infrastructure and providing road services to include financing social development projects.

Who are philanthropic contributions intended for?
Non-Profit Organisations, defined as ONLUS under current legislation, with specific reference to Article 10 of Legislative Decree 4.12.1997 no. 460, are eligible for the financial contribution.
Organisations must meet criteria of reliability and experience and must meet the following requirements:
- establishment of the organisation as a non-profit organisation or NGO, in accordance with existing regulations, for at least three years from the application deadline.
- A copy of the articles of association must be provided.
- A copy of the organisation's by-laws, demonstrating how the proposed project aligns with the organisation's goals must be provided
- A copy of the most recent approved annual financial statements must be provided
- A list of projects completed in the last three calendar years must be provided.
- Potential adoption of anti-corruption measures such as a Code of Ethics, Anti-Corruption Policy, or a Management and Control Model as per Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.
What are the areas of intervention of the projects?
The areas of intervention are as follows:
to improve people's quality of life through the use of new technologies, applications and digital services in the world of work, school and non-profit organisations.
for the promotion of inclusive models that give space to collaboration and dissemination of dialogue between different cultures, genders and generations; to initiatives for the enhancement of female talent, respect for equal opportunities, and protection of women's dignity; to proposals for the integration of the most fragile groups and the enhancement of disabilities.
for projects aimed at analysing the factors that determine school drop-out and at proposing appropriate measures to intervene in educational poverty, particularly in favour of underprivileged minors
Social project supported for 2025
Based on the evaluations of the Solidarity and Promotion Projects Committee, the philanthropic grant for 2025 was awarded to the IL CAVALIERE BLU Association
The project focuses on the social inclusion of people within the autism spectrum, improving their psychophysical well-being and supporting their caregivers. It aims to provide support through pet therapy, educational farms already in use as a means of perceptual and sensory enhancement, laughter yoga, physiotherapy and psychomotricity, promoting health and well-being. Awareness-raising events on the issue will be organised in local schools featuring direct testimonies from beneficiaries. The social impact will be assessed through periodic monitoring and feedback from family members and professionals in the intervention network in order to create good practices to be disseminated throughout the territory.