Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia


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Festival of Children

From the 4th to the 6th April 2014 the city of Florence was host to the first edition of the Festival of Children, an event dedicated to children and youngsters under 13 years of age, in which little ones approach the adult world through an itinerary of creative, interactive, and fun educational activities and initiatives to discover it together with family and new and old friends.

Autostrade per l'Italia took part in the event by bringing the young participants to the "safety school". For two days the Meeting Room at the Palazzo Vecchio is turned into a special school room dedicated to lessons on road safety. The young pupils, aged between 7 to 13 years of age, attended Autostrade per l'Italia's class and enjoyed a fun interactive quiz designed for them.

In a real-life class the children attended lessons on safety at the wheel and had fun answering the questions to Sei un Campione della sicurezza? quiz

Correct driving practices, respect for the rules of the Highway Code, and tips and suggestions to be given to parents during a long journey were the themes central to the lessons and games. The twelve questions of the quiz were projected onto a giant screen and the children, guided by Autostrade per l'Italia's "teachers" were challenged to understand and choose the correct answers. Six lessons every day were held between morning and afternoon.

The goal is to ensure that the drivers of tomorrow are made aware, through play, of the fundamental themes of safety. At the end of the events, information leaflets were handed out to adults with advice on measures to be taken when travelling by car to ensure the safety of little ones while the young pupils received hats and ice cream.

By participating in the Festival of Children, Autostrade per l'Italia continues to invest resources and focus on the issue of safety, to have an increasing influence on the habits of Italian motorists with the aim of improving them, year after year, so that travelling by car be increasingly safe and comfortable.

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